Hej! För dig som råkat hamna på min blogg kanske undrar vad den handlar om? Den handlar mest om min vardag, men även om något annat som hänt i världen som jag har lust att skriva om. Jag skriver inte för att få så många läsare som möjligt utan för att få "skriva av" mig. Hoppas ni trivs.

The Notebook

Allison Nelson, twenty-nine years old and engaged, a socialite, searching for answers she needed to know, and Noah Calhoun, the dreamer, thirty-one, visited by ghost that had come to dominate his life.
The Notebook will tear a hole in your heart... Anyone who does not sob throuh the last chapter has a heart of stone. - Greenville News (SC)
Runn, do not walk, to your nearest bookstore or library to bet a copy of this gem... a book for everyone who has ever loved or been in loved, or dreamed of loving madly, truly, deeply. After finishing this little treasure, even the most jadad reader will be convinced that everlasting love exist. - Mount Airy Gazette (MD)
If only it would wnd like this, I would be a happy man.
But it won't. Of his I'm sure, fr as time slips by, I begin to see the signs of concern in her face.
"What's wrong?" I ask, and her answer comes softly.
"I'm so afraid. I'm afraid of forgetting you again. It isn't fair... I just can't bear to give this up."
Her voice breaks as she finishes, but I don't know what to say. I know the evning is coming to an end, and there is othing I can do to stop  the inevitable. In this I am a failure. I finally tell her:
"I'll never leave you. What we have is forever."
She knows this is all I can do, for neither of us wants empty promises. But I can tell by the way she is looking at me that once again she wishes there were more.
The crickets serenade us, and we begin to pick at our dinner. Neither one of us is hungry, but I lead by example and she follows me. She takes small bites and chews a long time, but I am glad to see her eat. She has lost too much weight in the past three months.
After dinner, I become afraid despite myself. I know I should be joyous, for this reunion is the proof that love can still be ours, but I know the bell has tolled this evnig. The sun has long since set and the theif is about to come, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So I stare at her and wait and live a lifetime in these last remaining moments.
The clock ticks.
I take her in my arms and we hold each other.
I feel her tremble and I wisper in her ear.
I tell her for the last time this evning that I love her.
And the theif comes.
It always amazes me how quickly it happens. Even now after all this time. For as she holds me, she begins to blink rapidly and shake her head. Then, trning toward the corner of the room, she stares for a long time, concern etched on her face.
No! my mind screams. Not tonight! Not now... not when we're so close! Not tonight! Any night but tonight... Please! The words are inside me. I can't take it again! I isn't fair... it isn't fair...
But once again, it is to no avail.
"Those people," she finally says, pointing, "are stairing at me. Please make them stop."
The Gnomes.
A pit rises in my stomach, hard and full. My breathing stops for a moment, then starts again, this time shallower. My mouth goes dry, and I feel my heart pounding. It is over, I know, and I am right. The sundowning has com. This, the evning confusion associated with Alzheimer's disease that affects my wife, is the hardest part of all. For when it comes, she is gone, and sometimes I wonder whether she and I will ever love again.
"There's no one there, Allie," i say, trying to fend off the ievitable. She doesn't believe me.
"They're stairing at me."
"No," I whisper while shaking my head.
"You can't see them?"
"No," I say, and she thinks for a moment.
"Well , they're staring at me."
With that, she begins to talk to herself, and moments later, when I try to comfort her, she flinches with wide eyes.
"Who are you?" she cries with panic in her voice, her face becoming whiter. "What are you doing here?" There is nothing I can do. She moves farther from me, backing away, her hands in a defensive position, and then she says the most heartbreaking words of all.
"Go away! Stay away from me!" she screames. She is pushing the gnomes from her, terrified, now oblivious of my presence.
I stand and cross the room to her bed. Im weak now, my legs aces, and there is a strange pain in my side. I don't know where it comes from. It is a struggle to press the button to call the nurses, for my fingers are throbbing and seem frozen together, but I finally succeed. They will be here soon now, I know, and I wait for them. While I wait, I stare at my wife.
Thirty seconds pass, and I continue to stare, my eyes missing nothing, remebering the moments we just shared together. But in all that time she does not look back, and I am hsunted by the visions of her struggling with unseen enimes.
I sit by the bedside with an aching back and start to cry as I pick up the notebook. Allie does not notice. I understad, for her mind is gone.
Acouple of pages fall to the floor, so I sit, alone and apart from my wife. And when the nurses come in they see two people they must comfort. A women shaiking in fear from deamons in her mind, and the old man who loves her more deeply than life itself, crying softly in the corner, his face in his hands.

By Nicholas Sparks
Läs hela boken så förstår ni allt. Även om jag ber er läsa boken så kan jag rekommendera filmen ännu mer.


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